School Profile
Welshpool & District Primary School is a school formed from the merger of Port Welshpool Primary School and Welshpool Primary School. Located centrally between Foster and Yarram in South Gippsland, the school’s enrolment is drawn from the township of Welshpool, the fishing village of Port Welshpool and the rural communities of Hedley, Wonyip, Woorarra, Binginwarri and Agnes. A significant number of our students travel to school on the school bus.

At Welshpool & District Primary School our school vision is to provide a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued, where through effective teaching students aspire to become lifelong learners who are confident and competent participants in their community.
The school values achievement, excellence, curiosity, innovation, respect and responsibility, perseverance, integrity, inclusiveness, respect for diversity, compassion, honesty and equity. The school also believes in having high expectations for all students and a commitment to hard work.
The school is strategically placed around a historic building, which houses an administration area and a classroom. Our main classrooms are located in the new mod 5 building at the front of the school. Other facilities include a full size basketball court, full sized oval, a large adventure playground, and a multi-purpose hall.

The school and its community are actively involved in interesting and challenging activities that enhance the student’s educational experience. Welshpool and District Primary School sees itself as a friendly and welcoming school with a rural setting. It is integrally involved in the community on a variety of levels ranging from participation in local events to providing facilities and services.
We provide an extensive curriculum within the framework of the Victorian Curriculum. The Victoria Curriculum outlines what is essential for all Victorian students to learn for English, Mathematics, Humanities and Science and Technologies. It provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of common achievement standards which our school uses to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.
The Victorian Curriculum incorporate traditional curriculum areas such as Maths, English, Physical Education, Science, Humanities and Language and use skills such as information technology, design creativity, communications and thinking. Curriculum programs are delivered through specific teaching in the areas of Science, Art, Music and Physical Education. Curriculum enhancing programs include Music Program, Concert, Camps, Sporting participation, Intensive Swimming Program, Mobile Area Resource Center (MARC) and Junior School Council.